Welcome! My name is Casey Pearson and I’m a 50-something husband, father, co-worker and friend. I like to think of this space as a one stop shop of finding out more about me, my design projects and small tidbits about my journey through life. I’m proud to have maintained this domain for over 20-years as it has followed me through college, freelance and into many working professions. I have transitioned with this website as a “fresh out of college trying to find a job” to a “husband and holding down a successful job with 2 awesome kids” kind of guy. Just like me, this site has been through many edits, updates and changes.
A little behind the scenes. I graduated with my Visual Arts degree with an emphasis in graphic design from the University of Northern Colorado. I am currently employed as the Assistant Director of Communications for a mid-size school district in Northern Colorado. Both have given me the freedom to be creative through art and continue to do what I love - design. Previously, I worked for a local media outlet and held down many freelance gigs that have elevated me and my skills to what they are now.
I invite you to pull up a seat, grab a cup of coffee (depending on the time of day, beer?) and get to know me a bit better. Thank you for visiting and welcome to my world!
- Age 50
- Residence Northern Colorado
- Phone Email for digits